Saturday, 11 January 2014

An easier life in practice

Making your life easier starts by taking away the things that you don't like in your life. Men should be doing part of the housework because it relieves you of some or all of the routine and drudgery allowing you to pursue personal interests, a career or just relaxation. It's all about female empowerment. And doing housework makes men appreciate just how difficult it is to keep a home neat, orderly and running efficiently.

Write down the five things you hate to do, don't read on until you made the list.

Now, if both of you work full time, these five chores are now no longer your chores but his. If you are a housewife and your man works, I suggest delegating three out of five of these tasks. These chores are now no long yours but make sure you write down detailed instructions of how you want these tasks performed.

Make up a list of how you wants things done whether it's housekeeping, expected behaviors, and so on. Lists are living things that grow with a relationship. Walk through the chores once to ensure he understand your expectations. Critique his work the first few times to ensure that he is doing what's expected. After this you should reasonably expect quality work with a minimum of your involvement. Men often want women standing over them, supervising every little thing; this is NOT what Women want, so don't do it! You want men to do as they're told with a minimal amount of supervision so that you can better spend their time.

Of course punishment is still the only proper way to make sure men learn from their mistakes. Make sure to be consistent with both punishment and your expectation for the chores you have delegated. In the long term this practice will make your life easier and satisfy your hubby's submissive needs at the same time.

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