Friday, 20 September 2013

Mark of ownership

A mark of ownership is something special between a woman and her property and is usually done to seal the faith of the submissive man and bind him to  his owner. The design is usually something that relates to the name of the woman; I personally would advice to create something around the first letter of your name. For
the submissive partner a mark is extremely symbolic, some see it as a badge of honour as well.  It is etched into the sub's flesh, as well as their mind.  It is etched into the sub that they are worth the time and effort to be marked and that their body is no longer their own. The marking shows the sub's choice to live as a slave and is there for them to see, unavoidable, always acknowledging their place in the relationship.

The best and most symbolic way to give your partner a mark of ownership is by branding him. Branded marks have the advantage to fade over time and are therefore less permanent then tattoo's. Also the process of branding your own partner and taking him as your property is something highly symbolic in it self.

How to start? Branding can easily be done without risk at home. First you will need a branding iron. An effective way is to make the symbol (let your partner do it) out of flexible electricity wire after a design of your initial you made earlier on your computer. Heat the branding iron and a test a few times on a piece of cart board to give you an indication of how it will turn out.

The secret of a good brand is to heat the wire until it just glows dull red and apply it quickly to the skin for a count of about 2 seconds, no longer. Then immediately apply some ice. This will prevent spreading of the burn and consequent blurring of the mark. Such a brand will take about a week to ten
days to heal completely and should be monitored for infection. Brands will fade over a long time but to my mind they are the most appropriate way to mark a slave. Re-branding the slave every year (on the anniversary of his enslavement say) can become an important and significant ceremony for both you and your partner. It is probably best to brand him where the mark will not be visible when the slave is in normal clothes or swimming trunks. Good areas are: the lower belly just above the cock, the outside of the hip, the inside of the hip and the buttocks.

The images below show a mark right after being made and the same spot 1 year later:

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